Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Madonna and Music

Yes, I got her new CD, Hard Candy, today! The photography on the CD is awesome. I like how Madonna is all almost naked but she doesn't have one of those stupid orange day glo tans going on. She's just beautiful in her pale glory. The music? Well, let's just say I had hoped for more. If you like Timbaland you'll love this CD. It's really overproduced/processed (more than normal). I hate that I feel that way because I love love love Madonna, but this isn't her best work. It is lots of fun, possible good work out music and bob your head to music. Maybe I just need to listen to it a couple more days before writing it off.

Speaking of music - I pretty much dislike every one of the top ten songs that are playing on the radio right now. Is this a sign of getting old or just good taste, or possibly both? I much more enjoy the college station we have here in Raleigh which plays kind of a cacophony of indy artists. Plus, you don't have to hear the same 10 songs played over and over all day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008



I had suspected it, but today I found out it was true. A regular mop cleans much better than a Swiffer. I know, I know, imagine MY shock!

Something I read today that makes so much sense: If you wear mineral makeup but feel like you may want more coverage or a dewy finish, mix the minerals with your favorite moisturizer and apply. I plan on trying it tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

I like NC style BBQ better than TX or OK style and it's all because of the lack of sweet tomato based sauce and the abundance of vinegar and spices. Nomnomnomnom.

I hope I sleep better tonight than last night. Alan kept waking me up every few hours snoring. That sucks. As an idealistic child, I wanted two things and two things only in a husband. 1.) That he have a simple last name and 2.) That he didn't snore. Yea well, that didn't work out so well. Ha!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Andrea on Politics

I've been told several times lately that I am sounding more and more like a Republican. I resent that statement and I'll tell you why. It makes me feel old. When I was 18 and working at Aon Risk Services I was a hardcore Democrat and very idealistic about everything. A co-worker sneered at my George W. Bush money picture and told me "Just wait til you turn 25 - you'll be Republican. I was just like you when I was young."

Idealistic no more...more or less, cynical and very weary of government infringing on my rights as a human being.

I do not feel that my political beliefs can be summarized by affiliating myself to one party. I do care very much about this nation and, as a citizen, have a great deal invested in the future of this country.

I am no more Republican that I am Democrat, I'll tell you that. I reject what I don't like from both parties, and take what I do like from both parties all the same.

Just a few Pro's:
Pro Choice
Border Control
Freedom of Speech
Love (as in Gay Marriage)
Drugs - as in, legalize it already.

Universal Healthcare
Religion in Schools
War (this one is very specific, as if you are interested)
TAXES - what a joke! The IRS gets to borrow $7000.00 a year from us and pay it back annually with NO INTEREST OCCURED TO ME?!?! WTF. Not fair.

So as you can see, I have many different conflicting beliefs that would not allow me to claim one party over the other. It has been suggested that perhaps I should claim Liberatarian - but in my mind, what's the point? I'm certainly not jumping on the wobbly Ron Paul wagon.

I guess, all in all, it's that you believe in something, and that you have some idea of what you believe in that matters.

Friday, April 25, 2008


The "ehhh-st" Week Ever!

Yay! I made it through another week! Every Monday I wake up and think "Oh God..another 5 day work week, I'm so not going to make it!" and it was especially bad this week with my sinuses acting up and not feeling good. But I made it. Trust me, with this week, it's was an accomplishment.

I had the best Sushi ever with my friend Jessy this week. It was at a place called Waraji. The atmosphere and service was top of the line. We had the cutest, funniest waitress! They also have the little booths you sit in on the floor with your shoes off. I had a Crunchy Roll and a Philly Salmon Roll and it was so delicious. A little pricy but sooo worth it. And it was good company. It's so nice to have a BFAW - Best Friend at Work. Jessy and I get along so well and we have similar senses of humour, so we just giggle and giggle all day. Which I'm sure is annoying to our co-workers, but oh well.

My foot is doing really well too! I got all through Thursday and realized, hey, I hadn't had to take any ibuprofen at all! And that's really good. Although I may have over done it yesterday walking around without the brace because I was hurting really bad this morning.

I WILL BE IN TULSA JUNE 18-24th! I am so excited! I'll buy my tickets tonight or tomorrow, but I already got approved for time off at work. I definetely have to see Tammy & Shawn, Jamie/Kendall/Rylee/Nita and Nita's new addition, Reese! I love, love, love going home and lurrvvveee eating Taco Bueno almost every day while I'm there. Nice.

P.S. Who can help me with finding good codes to change the background on my blog? I have the hardest time finding good ones.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


New Allergy

I am allergic to Clinique Anti-Anti Gravity Eye Cream. This is new. I've used it in the past, periodically. I decided to start the regime again and now I have tiny little hives underneath my eyes. It itches and burns and it irritating the living evil out of me. I washed it off and even took a Benadryl, but still. Ew.

I am going through a lot of personal turmoil right now, and I'm very confused about everything. It's nothing to do with Alan or me, or me and my family, so don't worry. I am just wrecked and confused and all ick. I hate it.

On top of that I seem to be developing a sinus infection, or a sinus nuisance. My allergies have been horrible for the past month but now I am really feeling sick. I can feel the drainage down the back of my throat, my nose burns, my ears are ringing and tingling and my head really hurts.

I am hoping I feel better by this weekend because my Popple is getting baptized on Saturday! It will be a nice family occasion. I'm excited about celebrating and seeing Patty and Ed, who are the parents of some of my favorite people.

We're also going to go mattress shopping Saturday morning and hopefully find something for $800.00 or under. I'm thinking plush, plush, plush. Then I can save up for a nice comforter and sheet set and then in the next year I would also like to purchase bedroom furniture. I have never, since I was 14, had bedroom furniture other than a bed. And never ever in my life have I had a matching bedroom set. That's for rich folks!

I just really needed to sort through my brain and get some things out to make room for others. That was the point of this entry - if there ever was one.

Monday, April 21, 2008


The Household Madonna

I'm going dress really cute tomorrow. Because I want to. Because I can. Because it's been a while since I've felt really confident.

I didn't really write much last week. Not because there wasn't much going on in my life. There was, there is. Lots. A lot to share another time.

Updates in home life: Alan bought a new deluxe knife set. There are seriously like 80 different knifes. All of which I have no business even looking at. I'm not the most coordinated when it comes to cutting food. The other night I just wanted to cut my pizza and I got dizzy making my choice as to which one to use. I gave up and used an old steak knife. My old man is very particular in which way these knives are stored. I've already cut myself. When I went to place a glass in the dishwasher the damn meat cleaver brushed against my thumb and it bit me. I bled like a stuck pig.

On Saturday I raked all the leaves that were chilling out and decomposing on our back patio. I also mowed the lawn, much to Alan's chagrin. I assured him that I knew what I was doing, that I used to mow the lawn all the time to help my parents out when I was younger and that I actually like it. Hey, it's like vaccuming outside! So Alan gave in, and let me mow, but only after I promised I wouldn't use it against him. For example saying "I was mowing the lawn with a broken foot because my husband wouldn't!" or "Yea, our grass was waist high and it just didn't really bother my husband, so I took action. Oh by the way, my foot way broken"...that type of blackmail. You know, that wasn't allowed. I promised.

Sunday I went shopping for hair products and self tanners. That was fun.

Sunday night we fried catfish and had tater tots. Which was very appropriate being that we watched Napoleon Dynamite earlier on in the day. Tots. TOTS!

Today I went to the doctor for a follow up on my foot. On a positive note, I am healing nicely! I was told to wait another week to start back at the gym. Apparently I also tore a ligament (which I didn't hear the first time around, huh!) and that is what really needs more babying, not the broken bones. So I can start next week with cycling at the gym. Doctor suggested starting with 20 minutes and adding on 2-3 minutes per session. Then after I ease into that I can start adding the treadmill and elliptical.

This evening I went to to assemble an all Madonna playlist in hopes that it would inspire me to write. Music sometimes does. And it did. Look what you got. A blog about life, all inspired by Cherish.

Monday, April 14, 2008


On Sunday Morning

The semi gloss Sunday greets me like a kiss on the nose in form of sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. The room is cool and quiet and I am nestled in my covers, wrapped up like a swaddled newborn. I am alone and at peace. I am faced with two minor choices at this moment. Do I stay in bed or do I wake and get dressed? I choose the former and nap off and on for another hour or two.

When I awake the sun shines a little bit higher and instead of feeling guilty, I am calm and thankful that for once, I slept in a little longer.

I walk upstairs and make a pot of coffee, extra strong, so strong it's bitter and syrupy. The only way to drink this concoction is with cream, and that's all. No sugar, I prefer the bite of the bean.

The boys are out fishing and I have complete and utter rule of the house. I can turn on my stereo and blast it loudly. I can watch CNN or VH-1 without any complaints or requests to turn it to AMC. Hell, I could walk naked around the house with slabs of bacon on my naughty bits clanging a tambourine for all anyone cares. I am alone and I love it.

I choose to get dressed and get a Sunday paper so I can tear it apart without reprieve and scan all the ads for clothes and makeup on sale just like I've predictably done for years and years. It's one of my things.

When I return from the neighborhood convenience store and pull into the drive I am reminded of how lucky I am to have a nice home, nice clothes to wear, good things to eat and friends that offer to me a family away from home.

I check the time. It is 11:55 am. Oh good, just in time for the Sunday Morning Church Bells. It's without a doubt my favorite part of Sunday. At noon, the church bells will ring in my neighborhood and echo off all the homes and land perfectly in my ear. It's simple, but it's a full out symphony to me and it feels as though it makes my brain smile and relax.

I open the door, climb up the stairs, grab my Sunday paper, my coffee and slip out the back door to our balcony, sit down and put my feet up. 11:59. Just waiting for my Sunday Morning Church Bells.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Reason 2605

Reason 2605 on why Alan is so awesome: He came home, and we discussed what to eat for dinner. Keep in mind we are trying to use up all the food in our freezer and fridge before buying any more, so I got creative. I suggested cooking chicken nuggets, pasta and marinara sauce to producing a makeshift chicken parmigiana. He thought that was a super idea! Here comes the kicker: HE'S MAKING IT. NOT ME!


Thursday, April 10, 2008


In Love with Life aka It was a Good Day

I've been doing all sorts of creative things with pita bread this week, all because Karen cleaned out her fridge and gave me a whole pack of them. Peanut Butter, Honey and Apple Slices on microwaved Pita, Toasted Pita with Turkey and Cheese with Italian Dressing for the Dipping and my favorite sliced toasted pita with ham, cheddar, oregeno and pepper with ranch for the dipping. I am finally down to my last pita. Resourceful, me thinks.

I went out for drinks with work friends tonight after work. It was so good to just talk, relax and vent. On top of that it was a beautiful, balmy, sunny day here in Raleigh. It made me think about how much I enjoy getting out and doing things and that I need to get out more often. Too many times I get lazy and don't want to go out. I have to fight my homebody urges.

I seriously love life today. I love my friends and the connections I have made. I am inspired by so many people I meet every day in the way they touch my life. Whether they make me smile, laugh, roll my eyes or get pissed off, I am glad to have them. Because I will take every moment that I get in this life and make it a learning experience.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Glamour and Patience

It's here! Glamour Mag's swimsuit issue. I love this issue! I love how they take all body types of women; busty, pear shaped, boy build, big booty and plus size women and make them over. Being a plus size girl I can certainly understand swim suit angst. All I have to say to all my itty bitty friends worrying about looking fat in a swim suit is look at me, if I can work it with confidence, so can you! Obviously you need to pick something flattering to your shape, something you will wear more than once and most importantly, something that makes you feel sexy, cute and confident.

My favorite swim suit story ties in with my favorite life defining moment. I was a sophmore in high school on the swim team. To raise money we had a 6th period (last class of the day) inner school swim meet and if you wanted out of your 6th period class you could buy a ticket to watch us swim. So of course a good majority of my peers did. So I'm 15, chunky, insecure, acne all over my face and I am absolutely MORTIFIED at the idea of being in front of my entire high school in a swim suit. I was literally sick to my stomach all day. Like really, who, during their high school career, wants to be in front of everyone in their school in a speedo? Of course, the boys had it worst in their tiny little grape smugglers, but that's another story. I just KNEW as soon as I un-robed and walked across the pool deck that the stadium would go silent and that everyone was going to laugh and point and I would never have friends again. Of course, none of that happened. I swam, I made good times, actually had fun and shockingly, the world did not end! It was very liberating. And even now, to this day, when I am having an insecure moment I will often flashback to that moment and gather strength.

In other news I had a COMPLETE nuclear meltdown this morning on my way out the door. So most people that see me at work in the morning would be surprised if I told them I was very much not a morning person. See, the thing is, when you see me at work I've been up for 2 freaking hours and indulged my caffeine fix. But if you catch me in the first hour of waking up and try to interact with me like I was human I will rip your head off. Just ask my MoM or Alan. This morning I was on my way out when I realized I had no money for my eye appointment this afternoon. So this is the conversation that set me off:

Andrea to Alan: Did you find your checkbook?
Alan to Andrea: No, did you?
Andrea to Alan: No, why would I have asked you that if I knew where your check book was? I specifically asked you on Monday to find your checkbook so I wouldn't have to go through this with you this morning because I have an appointment this afternoon and I need to pay for it! Ugh!

*stomp stomp stomp*

And with that, I ran out of the room, ran to our office and start pulling things off the shelf in fury and hurry thinking his checkbook was in one of the boxes in the closet (we never write checks by the way). So then of course a box falls on me, breaks, sends CD's and computer parts flying every where and I am cursing and slamming things around and yeah, it made him really mad. I was totally being a snotty little bitch. I left the house with his AMEX and called when I got to work and apologized. He emailed me at work and says "It's okay baby, I know you get a little crabby in the morning. I love you and I'll see you tonight." That's it. And I deserved a spanking.

He's incredibly patient with me. He actually thinks it's funny when I am crabby in the morning. He won't admit it but I know he thinks it's funny when I go on a bad word tirade because my voice is so high he thinks it's cute. I am lucky, I have a great husband.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Some Musings

Just things I thought today.

On rapper Flo-Rida: Hey, when you push the letters together, it’s Florida! Huh!

On my foot brace: When I put my two feet together, my left leg and foot look pretty and dainty compared to the Darth Vader leg.

On Alcholic Beverages: Whoever left the 2 Hornsby’s Hard Cider Amber Drafts in my fridge, I want to thank you. Yummy!

On Alan nagging me about taking all the Tupperware to work and not bringing it home: It’s all the dishwasher now, all 12 pieces!

On Fabric Softener: Turquoise Frost by Downy is where it’s at. Who would have thought I’d get excited about doing laundry?

On Monster Bites: Archer Farms brand at Target. A small bite of heaven, individually packaged for your eating pleasure. It’s a mini granola bar dipped in chocolate with peanuts, caramel and mini M&Ms on top. That’s what I’m talkin’ about, yo!

On computer illiterate people: I know I should be annoyed, but when I know more about computers than you, it’s actually kind of cute and endearing. But still annoying. I’ll deal.

My cats: Karen, if my cats could write they would send you a thank you card because they are OBSESSED with their play pen/jungle gym you gave them. I can’t get over it.

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