Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Tori, Billy, Alanis and Falling in Love

I got my birthday present from my Mom today. It was exactly what I wanted! What did I want, you ask? I wanted perfume. I'm such a girly girl!

It smells really soft and pretty. I also like it because no one else wears it. (Insert inside joke "You can't smell like me!")

I am so sick of my music selection. I want to subscribe to BMG or Columbia and get like 12 new CD's. Do they even do that anymore? I remember doing that as a little kid and having Mom and Dad get irritated because they got stuck with the bill, tee-hee.


Because I am so sick of my music selection and I'm trying to NOT listen to talk radio at the moment I've pulled out a lot of old CD's. Today was Tori Amos. Man, I used to really zone out to Tori. In 11th grade (1998) my friend Summer let me borrow her Tori Amos - Under the Pink album. I had never even heard of her. But when I got home from school I promptly went into my room, shut the door, and cranked up Tori. What I heard was unlike anything I'd ever heard before and I wore that album OUT! I would sit and listen to it over and over again and make up stories to the lyrics and write poetry. I think I kept the CD for a month before buying my own.

Wellllll....Tori doesn't quite tickle me anymore. Have you had that moment yet? Where you are like seriously questioning your taste in music when you re-listen to an artist or album? I was making all sorts of faces and thinking "Oh my God, how did I listen to this over and over again?!?" It's a wonder I didn't slice my wrists.

Smashing Pumpkins was another band I listened to over and over again, holed up in my bedroom, while writing poetry. I still like them though and I don't care what anyone says. Oh, and Alanis!

I wonder why I don't write poetry anymore? I guess I'm just not as full of angst. Plus I have to be really really sad and in great emotional turmoil to write good poetry. Right now things are pretty even flow. I think I used to write a lot of poetry in hopes of figuring myself out or even in an attempt to put pieces together to see where I was broke inside. 10 years later and a lot of growing up my pieces are pretty much back together and while I don't think I'll ever really know who I am, I have a pretty good idea.

I.SO.AGREE. Music is all about moods..and I listen to some of the stuff I used to think was soooo profound and wonderful adn think "really, Jackie?" haha..'s your Mini Aunt here. Just want you to know I am thinking of you also....miss you lots.....and want to wish you a belated Happy Anniversary and a great big HAPPY BIRTHIDAY. Love you so much
a fun music thing (if you like indie or rock or just plain old good music) is paste magazine. 11 times a year they send you a cd with twenty some odd songs on it, each from a different artist. I have only loved all the songs one time, but for a $20 subscription, even if I only like 1 or 2 a disc it's paid for itself.

and, if you google paste magazine 2 for 1 you'll see where you can give one as a gift for free!
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